Friday, May 30, 2008

Ballet Recital

Sometimes, I stand in awe of my children. Today, that happened. Our 9-year old and 5-year old danced in a ballet recital, and all I can say is, they must have inheritated the light-footed, flexiblity and grace of my better half, because they certainly didn't get it from me! They were BEAUTIFUL, and our oldest in particular is an amazing ballerina already. They began taking lessons at the beginning of the school year, and she's just a natural. All my life, I've secretly wanted to be a ballerina, and I guess I'm living vicariously through my daughters.

On an interesting side-note, this is the first time the girls have ever worn a sleeve-less anything. I'm a big stickler on modesty, and when these costumes were first presented, as lovely as they are, I felt a bit apprehensive. So we sat down and had a long chat about modesty, and dance. We decided that because ballet is "of good report and praiseworthy" and because the BYU ballet classes perform in similar costumes, that it was okay in this ONE instance. I was proud of the girls - they told me "after the recital, Mom, we'll wear them for dress-ups with a t-shirt."


Becky said...

HOW ADORABLE!! Your children are so amazingly gorgeous! I'm just proud that I share at least some genes with them! ;0) And the modesty store really touched me. What a great example you and your kids are!

P.S. Can't wait to see you TOMORROW!!

Debbie Barr said...

Cute! I can't wait to see you TOMORROW either!

Kristen said...

Hi, I saw you on Crystal Arbuckle's blog-I'm hoping this is Mary, my great visiting teacher in Westchester 1st that took the wonderful pictures of my daughter after she was born? We have some framed and we always get comments on how wonderful they are!

Anyway, I've been thinking a lot about you lately, Mary. I'd love to get in touch with you, I have some questions I wanted to ask you. Please email me, when you get a chance.

Thanks, Kristen

Adrienne said...

Are you the photographer?!!! All the photos on your blog are absolutely gorgeous. Of course, it does help that your children are, as well. Can I have some lessons???

Mama M said...

Scary. It is just plain scary how beautiful your girls are.

My prayer for them always is that they will be as lovely and faithful and good as they are beautiful. And I have great reason to hope that my prayers will be answered.

Joanna said...

I'd love to see them dance when you get here!

Wookface said...

Mary, you're a good mama.

Robyn said...

Mary-Found your blog on the ward blog. Your kids are beautiful and congrats on number 4 she is a cutie. You are an amazing photographer-what a talent to have. It is good to see your family is doing so well.

Bonnie Wayne said...

Those are GORGEOUS PICTURES!!!! REALLY!! What kind of camera do you have? What do you say to omit these kinds of poses! Our little girl is in ballet - I would love to get her to pose like that. Beautiful costumes!!

Jennette said...

Hi Mary! Check out my blog because I tagged you! You're it!

Lara Neves said...

Beautiful pictures and even more beautiful girls!

I did ballet growing up, but I haven't felt the need to start my kids in it. Mostly because I always felt a little deprived of music lessons, so that's what I've focused on with my kids. Funny. :)

Anonymous said...

mmmmmmmmmmmm dance for me, very slowly strip and watch me jerk off looking at your wonderful, sexy nkd body